
Al Jahili Fort Al Ain

as seen on the bottles.


The Crescent

And a the evening star.


Hili Archaeological Site Al Ain

Bronze age towers with relief featuring humans and gazelles, 3rd millennium BC


Al Ain Oasis and Falaj


Camel Caravan

The camels find their way to the camel market just by themselves. Al Ain, Camel Market

Panoramic Wallpaper Les Incas

All the romanticism of the exotic …

The Wallpaper was designed by the Manufacture Joseph Dufour in 1818. It is 11 metres long and printed with 42 colours.

On exhibition at Louvre Abu Dhabi.


Faulheit garantiert Arbeit

Die kapitalistische Klasse betrachtet die gesamte Produktion als einen kapitalsichernden Wert und das Kapital als Zeichen, das die Muße garantiert. Auch das sozialistische, nichtkapitalistische System erkennt in der Produktion jenen Wert, der die Mußestunden sichert. … So strebt alles Lebendige nach Faulheit. Andererseits ist die Faulheit der Garant und Motor der Arbeit, schließlich kann man Faulheit nur durch bzw. über die Arbeit erreichen.
Kasimir Malewitsch

The capitalist class views the entire production as a captial-securing asset and the capital an indication which guarntees leisure. The socialist non-capitalist system, too, recognizes in the production this very asset to guarantee leisure. … Thus all that lives craves for laziness. On the other side is laziness the guarantee and engine of labour, for only by, respectively through labour can laziness be achieved.
[my translation]


All the future


Amor addit inertibus alas.

Nemo adeo est stupidae, natura, mentis asellus.
Cui cor & ingenium haud indere possit amor.
Pegaseas pecori Arcadico ille accommodat alas.
Mopsum hebetem in blandum format & arte procum.

Nemo adeo est stupidae, natura, mentis asellus.
Cui cor & ingenium haud indere possit amor.
Pegaseas pecori Arcadico ille accommodat alas.
Mopsum hebetem in blandum format & arte procum.


Long video of the sunset over NYUAD campus