The Solar Eclipse in Abu Dhabi

People like me are called or call themselves Westerners here. So we regard ourselves and are regarded occidental. Are we thus the exotic in the orient or are people from here self-identifying as exotic the way we identify as western?
Merry shopping and Frohes Fest!
The historic assembly room of the National Consultative Council of Abu Dhabi
From the library of Sheikh Sakhbut bin Sultan Al Nahyan at Qasr al Hosn.
The Sheikha is said to have taken this bottle from the drilling site back to her home at Al Ain to show it to her son, the later Sheikh Zayad bin Sultan Al Nahyan.
Qasr al Hosn
The tower of the outer wall of the original Abu Dhabi fort Qasr al Hosn was built by late Sheikh Shakhbut bin Sultan al Nahyan in 1948. Just a few decades lie between the tower in the front and those in the back …
Ultra micro-local farming: The greens are grown right in the supermarket.